Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pet insurance

Pet insurance

Страхование домашних животных

Страхование домашних животных

      Это страховые программы, благодаря которым, Ваши любимцы могут 
получать ветеринарное обслуживание (по аналогии с медицинским страхованием 
людей), а Вы будете избавлены от финансовых потерь, если с Вашим питомцем вдруг 
случится неприятность. В рамках программ страхования домашних животных можно 
застраховать домашних собак, кошек, птиц, рыб.
Добровольное страхование животных — ветеринарное обслуживание Ваших 
питомцев и страхование на случай их гибели, утраты или болезни. ( Животных 
страхуют на случай болезни, а также гибели или кражи из мест постоянного пребывания).
  • Страхование животных при перевозке на случай их внезапной гибели
  • Страхование животных при вывозе их за границу или в другие регионы России на случай 
    травмы или заболевания с возмещением затрат на оплату ветеринарных услуг
  • Страхование ответственности владельцев животных — страхование обязанности 
    владельца возместить вред, причиненный его питомцем здоровью или имуществу третьих лиц.

We are responsible for those who have tamed. Word of the classic at the time of the market 
economy gaining new meanings. Any pet is literally a dear friend: dear heart, and brought up 
by their own means. Insurance companies take into account these two now and have developed 
a program of insurance of domestic animals.They are particularly relevant when the cost of a 
rare breed dog or race horse of thousands of euros.However, you can insure any animal - and 
a cow giving milk, and an elephant in a zoo, and budgerigar in a cage.

If it is a dog,according to the "Insurance Regulations animals and animal owners liability" companies insure only registered dogs and cats are not younger than 3 months. The animals are registered, if they are registered in a canine club or society. Also, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each insurance company may have its limitations and requirements for the animal. For instance, unlikely to get an insurance policy for the animal species under the age of 4-6 months, or, conversely, topping the mark of 5-7 years. In addition, if your dog or cat litter expected - it is unlikely that you will be able to insure it. 
 Perhaps insurance and other domestic animals: poultry (laying hens) - 5 months.; Birds in poultry farms producing broilers - 1 month.Insurance of horses, camels, donkeys, mules, deer, and cattle and sheep occurs specially designed programs. Insurance contracts of farm animals and breeding stock payment amount is usually determined based on the price of cattle, established in a particular region. Insurance acts of these animals are usually on private farms (farmsteads) and directly related thereto pastures. There are types of insurance on the death of animals during transport, during transport outside the region or abroad, in case of illness or injury, with the included costs for services veterinarian. What can be insured in case of animal fear of death (case), forced the slaughter, the loss in result of: • the disease (according to the list of insurance specified in the Regulations) • Natural disasters: floods, storms, hurricanes, rain, hail, landslide, earthquake, lightning, storm; • fire; • accidents: the explosion of an electric current, solar or heat stroke, hypothermia, suffocation, poisoning, poisonous herbs and substances, poisonous snake bites or insect attack of wild animals and stray dogs, drowning, falls into the gorge, falling under the means of transport and other traumatic injuries; • burglary, robbery . What can be insured if your affectionate and intelligent animals with you, does not mean that they will remain as such and with strangers. The dog, tempered in the street without a muzzle, may bite a person or damage someone's property. In this regard, you should insure their civil liability in connection with the ownership and disposition of the animal should be two possible evils:

  • damage to life and health of others;
  • damage to property of others.

The sum insured is established by agreement between the insurer and the client for the overall damage. Or the contract may provide for the division of insurance compensation for the harm caused to life and health of others and the harm caused to the property of others. The action of the insurance contract does not cover damage caused by the impact of a nuclear explosion and radioactive contamination, war, civil war, civil unrest or strikes of any kind, as well as confiscation, seizure or destruction of dogs by public authorities. terms of the insurance contractterm contract insurance depends on the agreement of the parties. It can not be less than 6 months and is usually the standard one year.premium that the policyholder must pay the insurer, is not constant and depends on many factors. In case of insurance for 1 year without any additional conditions the premium starts at 3.52% of the agreed sum insured (depending on location, insurance risk and the type of contract), and for liability insurance from 0.2% to 1 , 3%. In determining the tariff rate on insurance take into account the type of animal, taken for insurance, age, health status, fatness, place and conditions of use (operation), as well as other circumstances which are essential to determine the extent of insurance risk. At the conclusion of insurance contract policyholder and the insurer have the right to negotiate for the modification or deletion of certain provisions of the insurance contract.

Name of Risk
Tariff rate as% of sum insured (by groups of animals, depending on the type and age of animals)

Fur-bearing animals, rabbits, hamsters, rats
Appeal to the veterinary clinic in connection with the animal disease
20% of the limit of compensation for this risk
The death (case) or the destruction of the animal, the forced slaughter of animals
The death (case) or the destruction of the animal, the forced slaughter of the animal theft (loss)

Insurance family of bees in the hive - will be 8-12% risk of "total loss" as a result:
• infectious, parasitic and parasitic diseases, poisonings;
• natural disasters: floods, floods, mudflows, storms, hurricanes, rain, hail, landslide, landslide, earthquake, lightning, storm, unusual for this area of long rains and heavy snowfall;
• enforced destruction of the conclusion of the expert veterinary services in order to stop the spread of contagious diseases;
• involuntary destruction by disease and poisoning. How to conclude an insurance contract to insure For example, a dog must:     * provide an animal for inspection insurance agent, with the sole purpose of the inspection - to ensure that the animal is secured with no visible symptoms of malaise,     * provide a document that defines the identity of the animal to any canine organization (registration certificate)     * provide a certificate of the canine organization of the cost of the dog; reference can be made ​​in any form but must contain the seal of the organization, its issued and the signature of the head (this information is peer review in order to establish the actual value of the dog)     * write the application form;     * pay the premium;     * get insurance. insurance case.  =  Life and Health Insurance animal when the insured event the insured dog owner must:

  • take possible measures to save the insured animal;
  • for loss or theft of the dog say to the relevant authorities;
  • in daily life, not counting weekends and holidays, a written report the incident to any of the insurance company
  • bring a dog insurance policy, as well as documents of the competent authorities (fire safety, veterinary authorities, police, courts, etc.), confirming the occurrence of an insured event and its cause;
  • insurer to show the deceased animal or its remains for examination. 

Payment of indemnity is the company within three days from the date of submission of all required documents.  =  liability insurance animal breeder when the insured event, as part of liability insurance, pet owner must declare it to the insurance company within 24 hours, depending on the the nature of the incident to provide the necessary help to resolve the damage. Dimensions indemnity set to the value of the animal species, as determined on the basis of documents (registration certificate, certificates, opinions) issued by the competent authority (the club, society, dog, etc.). The amount of indemnity agreed upon with the insurer, but only on condition that this amount does not exceed the sum insured at the time of the contract. Be careful when signing a contract of insurance! Remember that, for example, the fact of stealing the animal is not easy to prove. Mentally weigh the risks and pick up an optimal insurance option of animals.

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